8.5   Jewelry and Clothing Items

Fashioning unique items from coins to be used as jewelry or accessories to clothing was a popular occurrence in the late 19th century and continues to the present. Although common when made from Liberty Seated dimes and half dimes, jewelry crafted from twenty-cent pieces is rare.

A cut-out twenty-cent piece

Twenty-cent pieces made into buttons

Pair of monogrammed and enameled cufflinks

Cufflinks made from half dimes and
twenty-cent pieces

   Well-worn engraved cufflinks made from    Ornate and enameled cufflinks made from silver
         half dimes and twenty-cent pieces                      three-cent and twenty-cent pieces

Other types of jewelry are found with Liberty Seated coinage, including bracelets and necklaces. Often made from Liberty Seated dimes, these pieces may also include engraved coins of other denominations. When a twenty-cent piece is found as part of a bracelet or necklace, it is generally the center piece and is surrounded by smaller denominations.

Bracelet made from engraved Liberty Seated dimes and a single twenty-cent piece

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